“Dear Scott and Emily,
What an incredibly beautiful, moving, and masterful workshop! I just loved the way you ran the whole workshop! I got so much out of it in every way. I felt my feelings so fully with every experience you ran us through. I also really enjoyed seeing how the two of you evolved in being a team from December 2014 to now as your relationship has grown and strengthened and that is very obvious in the way you are co-facilitating.
Scott, I loved, loved, loved your reflection of the butterfly for the young woman who was so struggling with being a giver vs. growing and opening up to her own life. I could see her face from across the room as you portrayed her struggle and it was very powerful, especially when her tears started flowing and her pain was so transparent. Your butterfly metaphor was such a clear portrayal of her struggle. Your stories are so beautifully told and so powerful and touching in conveying your ideas and messages.
Emily, I really wish I had this much wisdom and maturity when I was your age. You are a beautiful old soul, inside and out. I just love how you feel every single feeling in your body and how transparent you are. I love your intuition and all the knowledge you have to share with us to help us in our lives. And your musical gifts and strong yet tender, melodic voice put the icing on the cake!
I was just so very moved by each one of you and both of you together. I felt so very alive and I thank you both from the bottom of my heart for the beautiful experience in the out-of-the world setting that you chose for today’s workshop.
With all my love

“Motivated by my longing to share deeper emotional intimacy and harmony in coupleship with my beloved partner, I sought the support of devoted teachers, Scott Catamas and Emily Orum. The duo patiently coached my partner and me with effective conflict resolution techniques and empathy practices. Scott’s ability to give empathy is touching to witness and deeply healing to receive. Through his many years of experience and the thoughtful distillation of his wisdom, he has formulated simple and powerful solutions that help bridge the communication gaps between couples.He has a knack for seeing the greater perspective and has helped me to connect to my feelings and needs.Emily offers a delightfully fresh perspective and has an exuberant energy and insight that I find tobe very encouraging. She is gifted at creating a safe container and offers a playful and femininepresence which I find to be quite soothing, especially when exploring the deeper work.The tools and guidance I have received from Scott and Emily have helped me to understand myself and my partner better as well as to find safety during conflict. This quality of connection is helping me to give and receive the kind of intimacy I’ve always longed for.“
Ian & Melodia
These two are truly LOVE masters. They walk, breathe, and embody what they teach! I have never seen, felt, or experienced this much care, love, and compassion before. I am now attracting community that fully respects, honors, and can meet me in the depth I am wanting! I am feeling love for myself like I have never had before! I am now open and willing to attract the love of my life after being shut down for years!
Makia Lombok
“Emily & Scott have a clear understanding of the complexities of being human. They helped me see my compulsive behavior in a compassionate way helping me to learn to love myself rather than go deeper down the rabbit hole of self-hatred. I feel completely safe, held, and seen with their guidance.“
Brett Harmsworth

“Author of New York Times Best Selling book “Communication Miracles for Couples”, Frequent Guest on Oprah Winfrey”
“Scott and Emily do amazing, fun, and incredibly effective work at helping couples see what’s not working in their relationship, and gently guiding them back to a place of love and deep communication. My wife and I have greatly benefited from their offerings, love, tools, and commitment to help. I’ve known a lot of couples’ therapists and coaches, and they are clearly the best I’ve ever seen.“